Customer Testimonials

NINE NINE is focused on results and has had the distinct pleasure of helping clients in a variety of industries overcome the issues that slowed and sometimes prevented outright success. Here’s what some of them had to say about us:

Jeff K
Your commitment, passion, and delivery were really amazing. We had a great start and the speed as well as intensity with which we rolled out globally over 3 years was unbelievable.
Ryan T
National Account Manager - Insurance Sector
This course was interesting, kept my attention and most importantly made me want to change my way of doing things. My eyes were truly opened because of what we learned, and the enthusiasm from the other participants and the facilitators have inspired me to want to get out in the territory and get started. Great job…! I truly value everything we have learned! Thank you!
Hernandez S
Sales Manager - Finance Sector
This was a very great training. I feel that it related to real-life sales situations, and I will be able to bring my learnings into each sales call.
Steven H
Thank you so much for the great Naked Presenting workshop! For the first time ever I wasn’t nervous going to a pitch—I had my plan and knew exactly how I was going to light up the room!
Miranda B
We want to share the results of our EMEA off site. It was a HUGE success! Rating a 5.73 on a scale of 6.0 – the highest rating a training program has gotten here.
Mikel J
Founder - FMCG Sector
All in all this training was AMAZING!!! The presenters were amazing. They were engaging, timely, and knowledgeable. I will recommend this course to all sales professionals.
Global Account Director - Media Sector
I have attended many sales training programs, and I enjoyed this one the most. Both trainers understood our industry and challenges – their styles were engaging and informal. I found that the models really work and are of value to me. I will be able to use this in the field to increase my ability to engage my customers and grow my business. Overall, I will be a better communicator.
Karen D
Sales Director - Records Management sector
The development centre was intense.  Whilst I was being evaluated, I felt I gained more in these 3 days than in all the other combined workshops I have ever attended.  Thanks you.